[c-nsp] Rehosting a perpetual CSR1000V license

Mark Tinka mark.tinka at seacom.com
Fri Jul 24 12:22:34 EDT 2020

On 24/Jul/20 16:52, Nick Hilliard wrote:

> This is the cost / billing model that most last-mile access providers
> use: send acceptable-use reminders to the top 0.5% of users rather
> than getting excited about the other 99.5% who are already costed into
> the model.  Then make your service quality reasonable enough that
> people don't ever need to call support.

I think the CRM people call it the "segmented model" :-).

The top 25% of the customers get all the bells & whistles, because they
are paying for that priviledge.


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