[c-nsp] ASR9k RSP440

Lukas Tribus lukas at ltri.eu
Thu Nov 12 14:51:54 EST 2020


On Thursday, 12 November 2020, Gert Doering <gert at greenie.muc.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Thu, Nov 12, 2020 at 10:06:11AM -0600, N. Max Pierson wrote:
> > We're trying to figure out what the last train of XR software that can
> run
> > on the RSP440 for a 9006. We're running 6.2 right now but I can't seem to
> > find any docs that state what the last version of support is. We're
> trying
> > to patch/upgrade a few 9006's from CSCvv09115
> > <https://bst.cloudapps.cisco.com/bugsearch/bug/CSCvv09115> but aren't
> sure
> > if 6.7.2 will run on our RSPs. We're getting rid of these in a few months
> > but didn't want to be exposed in the interrium if possible.
> 6.5.3 works and has a SMU for that bug.
> It is officially not supported, as in "we do not even try to see if it
> boots", but for us, it works ok (so far).

Careful on the 9901 (64bit): with this SMU on 6.5.3 you end up with just
loopbacks, mgmt and bundle-ether interfaces as the actual interfaces are
not recognized anymore. Happened on 2 different boxes here. Rollback is

The 32-bit SMU was released back in august, there was sufficient time to
get this right. Instead the 64-bit SMU fix was just released yesterday, so
it looks like they had to rush that one.

Trivia nr 2: There is no SMU yet for the recommended releases like 7.0.2
and 6.6.3.



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