[c-nsp] Upgrading NXOS

Drew Weaver drew.weaver at thenap.com
Wed Sep 2 08:50:32 EDT 2020


Current version: 7.0(3)I1(3)

Upgrading a 9508:

Checked for errata and it said something about bios upgrades failing due to the bootrom monitoring so I set this:

diagnostic monitor interval module 1 test PrimaryBootROM hour 23 min 59 second 59
diagnostic monitor interval module 2 test PrimaryBootROM hour 23 min 59 second 59
diagnostic monitor interval module 3 test PrimaryBootROM hour 23 min 59 second 59
diagnostic monitor interval module 1 test SecondaryBootROM hour 23 min 59 second 59
diagnostic monitor interval module 2 test SecondaryBootROM hour 23 min 59 second 59
diagnostic monitor interval module 3 test SecondaryBootROM hour 23 min 59 second 59
diagnostic monitor interval module 27 test PrimaryBootROM hour 23 min 59 second 59
diagnostic monitor interval module 28 test PrimaryBootROM hour 23 min 59 second 59
diagnostic monitor interval module 27 test SecondaryBootROM hour 23 min 59 second 59
diagnostic monitor interval module 28 test SecondaryBootROM hour 23 min 59 second 59

Issue this command:

install all nxos nxos.7.0.3.I4.8z.bin

goes through the process and gets to BIOS update part:

Module 1: Refreshing compact flash and upgrading bios/loader/bootrom.
Warning: please do not remove or power off the module at this time.
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS

Module 2: Refreshing compact flash and upgrading bios/loader/bootrom.
Warning: please do not remove or power off the module at this time.
[#                   ]   0% -- FAIL.
Return code 0x4071000C (BIOS erase failed).
CAUTION: The BIOS/loader/bootrom of above module may be in corrupted state. Please try programming it again and DO NOT reboot without programming it successfully, otherwise you have to manually take out the flash from the card and program it in a BIOS programming station.

Resetting boot variables. Please wait.

Install has failed. Return code 0x40930015 (Pre-upgrade of a module failed).
Please identify the cause of the failure, and try 'install all' again.

I've tried it a few times and it always fails.

Any way to manually try to update the bios outside of the install all process or am I doing this incorrectly to begin with?

I have read some instructions that say you just set the new .bin file as the boot parameter and reboot it and it magically takes care of everything. Then the other instructions I read says don't do that incase the bios upgrade fails while its rebooting.

Thanks if anyone has run into this before. May just scrap this thing.

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