[c-nsp] ios xe amsterdam

Brian Turnbow b.turnbow at twt.it
Fri Mar 24 13:17:29 EDT 2023

Hi Everyone,

Posting this as it made for quite an interesting debug, and am hoping to save someone some future grief.

When using ASR 1ks and  ios XE Amsterdam 17.3.6 we encountered an issue related to pppoe users and radius attributes.
We saw issues trying to send  cisco AV pair ip:outacl  or ip:inacl from radius.
The user would authenticate and we would see immediately

ppp-disconnect-cause(329) 24 Lower Layer disconnected

debugs showed all things looking good, no unsupported attributes etc. and in the brief instant it came up the acl was programed, but the user would be disconnected immediately.
We narrowed it down to the ip:outacl/ip:inacl as if it was removed from the users radius configuration everything would work fine.

Upgrading to 17.6.3a resolved the issue.
I couldn't find a matching bug and nothing was in the release notes.
As this was a non-production system we just upgraded and did not bother with a tac case.


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