[c-nsp] Recommendation for Cisco router with Full BGP Route

Gert Doering gert at greenie.muc.de
Tue Mar 4 15:28:45 UTC 2025


On Tue, Mar 04, 2025 at 10:40:08PM +0800, Pengembara T. via cisco-nsp wrote:
> Our concern more toward CPU utilization when handling bgp. Cpu will
> constantly high, long before the throughput hit 10G.

On proper routers, packets forwarded will not be a concern to the CPU :-)

With "5x 10Gbps", an ASR9001 would be a perfect match, but that's a
platform Cisco no longer wants to sell.  The successors (ASR9901 etc)
are much bigger (100G ports) and just so expensive.

So maybe one of these Catalyst 8000 would indeed be an option, if you
do not intend to connect to a big IXP.

Or go Juniper and look for an MX204.


"If was one thing all people took for granted, was conviction that if you 
 feed honest figures into a computer, honest figures come out. Never doubted 
 it myself till I met a computer with a sense of humor."
                             Robert A. Heinlein, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

Gert Doering - Munich, Germany                             gert at greenie.muc.de
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