[c-nsp] IOS XR 6 verifying routing table limitations

Drew Weaver drew.weaver at thenap.com
Thu Mar 6 20:43:09 UTC 2025


I really cannot remember the commands to check how many IPv4/IPv6 routes an old school IOS XR system can handle before it explodes.

Was it this?

OBJECT              USED               %      MAX         AVAILABLE          %
show cef platform resource summ loc <specific location> | i LEAF

IPv4_LEAF_P         1377831        32.85      4194304     2816473        67.15
IPv6_LEAF_P         688915         32.85      2097152     1408237        67.15

Some of the AI answers that Google gives when asking about this stuff is (chef's kiss)

If anyone remembers would greatly appreciate it, lol.


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