[cisco-voip] Translation Pattern

Israel Lang ilang at netgainis.com
Mon Oct 18 21:10:37 EDT 2004

I am running a CM 4.01(sr2a) system. I have setup a translation pattern so that when an extension, 4902, is dialed it will call a 1888 number. If I dial 4902 directly it works fine, however I am sending calls to it from a Unity CallHandler. Here is the weird part….I have tried this in three ways. First way was to set up CTI route point which I point the CH at and it cfwdall to 4902. The second way is to set a second extension on phone to cfwd no answer to 4902 after like 2 seconds. The third is to skip the translation pattern and just cfwdall to the 1888 number. In all three cases I see the call go to the switch, but get busy tone back.


Again if I call the number or translation pattern from the phone it works fine. To make things weirder if I cfwdall to my cell phone, a ten digit dial, it works. It works as well if I change the translation pattern from the 1888 number to my cell.


Here is my question, anyone know of a better way to do what I am trying to accomplish or anyone have an idea what I am missing?




Israel Lang

System Engineer 

NetGain Information Systems


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