[cisco-voip] Cannot activate services on a fresh CCM 3.3.4 installation

Faus, Francisco Jose (Francisco) faus at lucent.com
Thu Oct 21 04:48:11 EDT 2004

Hello gurus,

I have just installed CCM 3.3.4 on a generic PC (having previously hacked
the registry and loaded the latest Win-OS-K9.2000-2.6, finally the Call
Manager got installed successfully toguether with the Directory Server and
the SQL 2000 Server)

When I try to activate the services through the Administration page I cannot
select any server but instead I get the following error message:
Error:1537, CDBLException Dump: [Unknown error]

On the other hand under System -> Servers I can see my new server. But when
it is selected (as to enter the Server Configuration page) an "unknown or
unidentified" error is displayed.

I have tried to troubleshoot the Windows Services, events and application
logs and can see several errors related to the SDIControlLayer attempting to
connect to Database for several applications as Cisco Tftp, CCMSNMP, Cisco
Extended Functions, Cisco RIS Data Collector, CTI Manager, CDR Insert or
Cisco Call Manager.

Although the mentioned error messages seem to be pointing to the databases,
on the other hand The Cisco Database Layer Monitor service can be started
successfully and also the MSSQLSERVER is apparently running smoothly and do
es not report any issue.

Looking at the Troubleshooting or Alarm messages documentation at Cisco web
I've only been able to see some references to CDBLException and to
SDIControlLayer which point to the TFTP server process, maybe not correctly
configured on the database.

I'd very thankful if anybody could lend some help on this issue.

Maybe should I run any database configuration script that I missed?

Any hint would be very appreciated.

Thanks in advance and regards.
faus at lucent.com

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