[cisco-voip] Two Requests: Enterprise/Service Parameter Help Files & What version are you using?

Lelio Fulgenzi lelio at uoguelph.ca
Sat Jan 29 10:46:47 EST 2005

I was hoping someone could post the Enterprise and Service Parameter information files (the one you get when you press the blue "i")  for CallManager 4.0(2a) & 4.0(1). I can't find these lists anywhere on CCO. In later versions there is a link from the Enterprise information file that points to 'help all service parameters'. A cut and paste text file is just fine.

Also, just wondering if people don't mind sharing what version of Call Manager/Unity/IPCC they are using. I'd lke to get a handle on how many out there are using CCM 4.1(2) already. I know some people have and are migrating, just hoping to get an idea of the stability. It's a toss up between 3.3(4)sr2 and 4.1(2) for us right now - with heavy weight to 4.1(2) cause of all the features it brings.


-----                                                                -----
Lelio Fulgenzi, B.A.                                  lelio at uoguelph.ca.eh
Network Analyst (CCS)
University of Guelph                             FAX:(519) 767-1060 JNHN
Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1                          TEL:(519) 824-4120 x56354
     remove the 1st letter of the canadian alphabet from my email, eh!
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