[cisco-voip] masking incoming called number

Wes Sisk wsisk at cisco.com
Sat Apr 29 11:04:27 EDT 2006


For the lines that you do not want to see callerID, place those lines  
in a different partition.  Any calls that you want to reoute to those  
lines make them go through a translation pattern that overwrites the  
calling party number.

currently have the CSS called cssInternal assigned to all gateways.
CSS cssInternal only contains the partition ptInternal
create a new partition called ptMaskCalling
create a new CSS called cssMaskCalling
move all the lines should not see calling party number to the  
partition ptMaskCalling
create a translation pattern XXXX (or however many digits  you use  
for your extensions) in partition ptInternal.  In the translation  
pattern change the calling party number to a bogs number, set the  
calling search space to be cssMaskCalling, set the called party  
transform mask to be XXXX.  This preserves the same called party  
number and searches for a mask using the new CSS.

You can be more specific than XXXX for your translation pattern if  
all of your phones are grouped together.


On Apr 29, 2006, at 4:30 AM, Sherif Fahmy wrote:

hey guys... i got a question i want to mask the incoming called  
numbers on certain phones... i dont want them to see the numbers that  
are calling them... but i dont want to do that from the voice gateway  
i wanted to do it in the ccm... the reason why i couldnt do it on the  
gateway is that if i do it there then it would mask the number in the  
icm and the siebel crm being used ... so basically i just wanted to  
mask it on the phone only with out affecting the other systems  
integerated in this call center... do you guys have any idea how i  
can do that  ?

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