[cisco-voip] Simple SIP gateway question.

Wes Sisk wsisk at cisco.com
Sat Apr 29 11:10:47 EDT 2006

Point your outdial app at callmanager, then configure a sip trunk in CM.

On Apr 18, 2006, at 4:48 PM, Scott O'Donnell wrote:

I have a outdialer application that I would like to test which  
supports SIP.
My local gateway is currently configured for H.323.

As I look into the Cisco Docs for guidance on how to configure a SIP  
gateway, all the example appear to reference a registrar server  
(which I don't have!)

So can I get SIP configured without a registrar?
Basically I just want to give this application server a way out to  
the PSTN via SIP.


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