[cisco-voip] Unity Connection Web Password

Robert Singleton rsingleton at morsco.com
Thu Aug 30 18:08:47 EDT 2007

> I have already rebooted the server but no use.

Whenever I hear the story about someone who endlessly tolerates a
malfunction without really fixing it, whether it's a PC or a car or a
blender, I refer to it as "the standard Microsoft fix", essentially:
'ignore it until it won't go any more then reboot', followed closely by
'reboot till it works'.

I don't mean to pick on anyone, but it's incredibly frustrating that in
this culture, it is not only tolerated but even expected to periodically
take a mallet to the brains of our critical systems in the hope that it
will be better when they regain consciousness. You would yell at your
LEC if they pulled something like that....  oops...


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