[cisco-voip] List of MCS hardware equivalents for CallManager 5

Jonathan Charles jonvoip at gmail.com
Tue Jan 2 14:48:29 EST 2007

But that isn't 'everything' I need to know.

I want to know the mods... not just the model numbers for latest and
greatest, I want a list of everything that is supported (and will be by TAC)

So, for instance...

I have a cust that has a lot of DL380 G3s... how do I need to configure that
bad boy so I can install CCM5?

I have another customer that has a DL320 G4 (P4 3.4Ghz, dual 80GB SATA, 2GB
of RAM), CCM5 installed fine, no probs...

However,  a single 2.8Ghz Xeon with 2GB of RAM and dual 72GB U320 SCSI
drives failed the hardware check... (so did a dual 2.4Ghz Xeon with 4GB of
RAM and dual 72GB U320s...)

So, is there a G3 config that will work?

(as far as I can get from that page, a single 2.4Ghz Xeon with 2 36Gb drives
should work... which doesn't make sense... a dual Xeon with more HD space
fails?? What????)

I think there should be logic behind this, there appears to not be.

BTW, I think the dual Xeon box is faster than the crappy DL320..

Here's for fun... they don't have any DL380G3s with 2.4Ghz processors left,
they do have a 380 with a 3060Mhz box, but they want to use it for their
Unity server... They have literally dozens of the 2.8s, but they aren't

This is slowly getting into 'this blows' territory....

I am going to have retask something here...


On 1/2/07, Ryan Ratliff <rratliff at cisco.com> wrote:
> Everything you need to know about Cisco MCS servers both hardare and
> software can be found at http://www.cisco.com/go/swonly.
> -Ryan
> On Jan 2, 2007, at 12:43 PM, Jonathan Charles wrote:
> I need a list of HP hardware equivalents that will support
> CallManager 5...
> Customer has an HP contract and will not buy Cisco servers...
> They also have a crapload of HP servers lying around and don't see
> the reason to buy another one... (all servers are G3s, combination of
> DL320s, 360s and 380s).
> I am looking for hardware specs for each that Cisco will allow an
> install on (I would rather get a list and match requirements than do
> the trial and error thing...)
> Jonathan
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