[cisco-voip] Calls hang at voice gateway FXO port.

Ranjan Babu .G ranjan.ganesh at gavsin.com
Tue Jan 9 05:08:47 EST 2007


How to kill specific call in 1700 voice gateway FXO port.
Most time we found BW utilization above 200KB calls are hang , any
reason ?

tkvoip#sh voice call status                            
CallID     CID  ccVdb      Port      DSP/Ch  Called #   Codec

0x823      1B39 0x81EB2A70 3/1       0/1    *7730815580 g729r8   3/7

0x825      1C39 0x81EAB52C 0/1       0/1    *67210      g729r8   3/9

0x88F      539  0x81EA9900 0/0       0/2    *7710039340 g729br8  0/8

0x890      15C8 0x81EB0D1C 3/0       0/2     7215       g729r8   6/3

0x898      15CE 0x81EAD274 2/0       0/2     7214       g729r8   11/3

0x89B      939  0x81EAEFC8 2/1       0/1    *4646491617 None     3/5

6 active calls found                    


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