[cisco-voip] SRST dialed number translations

Patrick Diener patrick.diener at gmail.com
Wed Jan 10 07:29:58 EST 2007

You could use a voice translation profile:

voice translation-rule 1
 rule 1 /^5002$/ /0207667226/

voice translation-profile myprofile
 translate called 1

dial-peer voice XX pots
 translation-profile outgoing myprofile

=> "Number Translation using Voice Translation Profiles":

On 1/10/07, Nick Kassel < Nick.Kassel at charles-stanley.co.uk> wrote:
> I'm trying to add to my SRST configurations a dialled digit translation so that users can still dial a short code, I have done it for 2 number ranges 2xxx and 6xxx by using dial peers and prefixing the rest of the number.  This works fine but in this example I need to translate 5002 to 0207 667 2266 so I can't use the prefix commands.
> Can any on advise on how I would achieve this.
> Regards
> Nick
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