[cisco-voip] Gatekeeper CAC + Zone Management Question

embeleco embeleco at gmail.com
Tue Jan 16 10:21:37 EST 2007

Thanks Charles, but how does it work? Let say that the customer has only 1
Gatekeeper managing 4 local zones (one gateway in each zone).. how do you
configure the bandwidth per two zone? For example:

1. From Zone 1 to Zone 2 the customer would like to have only 4 concurrent
calls because of bw constraints.

2. From Zone 1 to Zone 3 the customer would like 10 calls

3. From Zone 1 to Zone 4 the customer would like 8 calls

4. From Zone 2 to Zone 3 the customer would like 5 calls

5. From Zone 2 to Zone 4 the customer would like 10 calls

6. From Zone 3 to Zone 4 the customer would like 5 calls..

Can  I be that specific on the gatekeeper? Because the "bandwidth interzone"
command would restrict bandwidth for local zone to all other zones.. but not
to specific zones.. or I am missing something?

Please advise.


On 1/15/07, charles george <cisco1.charles at gmail.com> wrote:
> bandwidth check destination
> this will check amonut of bandwidth before answering a request for a call.
> if enough allowed,if not declined
> hope this helps
> On 1/14/07, embeleco <embeleco at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi.
> >
> > Currently a customer have 4 VoIP Gateways register to a gatekeeper. Each
> > of the VoIP Gateways are in a different zone ( i.e. zones) on the
> > gatekeeper. Is there a way to specify CallAdmision control between 2
> > specific sites?
> >
> > For example customer wants from Site-1 to Site-2 3 calls and from Site-1
> > to Site-3 4 calls and from Site-1 to Site-4 1 call.
> >
> > Can we be this granular with the CAC on the gatekeeper? I know we can do
> > CAC from one zone to all remaining zones but is there a command to be
> > granular on zone per zone..  If not what is the best practice in order to
> > accomplish the above requirement? Currently most of the sites are connected
> > in a fully mesh topology but some of them are not directly connected.
> >
> > Any suggestion?
> >
> > Thanks in advanced.
> >
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