[cisco-voip] PA System + CCME

Paul Choi asobihoudai at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 29 16:54:07 EST 2007

--- Ed Leatherman <ealeatherman at gmail.com> wrote:

> Anyone integrated CME with a PA system?
> We have a new facility going in off-campus with a
> Nexia CS PA system. The
> users would like to be able to call into it from
> their desk phones and
> broadcast out onto the PA speakers. Looking at the
> specs on the system, it
> has a number of mic/line inputs, no dial-in ports or
> anything else for
> voice. Would this be an application for an E&M card?
> Haven't used one
> before, but i've seen them interfaced with radios
> before which made me think
> of it.

I've hooked up a Bogen paging module to a CCME system.
 I punched the wires into the Bogen on one end, put
the RJ-11 plug into a FXO port on the other, setup a
dial-peer for the Bogen, called it and it worked fine.


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