[cisco-voip] IPCC Express - Time variables and XML Data

Tim Medley tim.medley at moxieent.com
Mon Jan 29 20:57:40 EST 2007

I am writing a script for a customer who has an odd call flow, not  
really an optimal call center environment, but it's what the customer  
wants. Basically there are 30 agents, calls come into a DID and ring  
to the primary agent, if that agent is not available, the call rings  
to a defined backup agent, if the backup agent is unavailable then  
the call rings out to a team, if no one on the team is available,  
then the caller is given a choice of holding for the primary agent,  
or leaving a voicemail.

Each agent has their own DID and is available during different  
business hours. So I thought I would use an XML file that contained  
details for each DID and read that into the script; DID, PrimaryExt,  
BackupExt, Team, etc.  Since each agent has different business hours,  
I was going to read a open and close time for each agent from the xml  
file as well.

The issue I am having is that the Get XML Document Data step doesn't  
recognize a variable that is defined as Time. I had planned to read  
in the OpenTime and CloseTime and compare the current time to see if  
the agent was Open or Closed.

Am I going about this the wrong way? I've never worked with Time  
variables read from an XML file.


Tim Medley
Moxie Enterprises
Email: tim.medley at moxieent.com
Phone: (704) 905-4604

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