[cisco-voip] Removing an IP Phone service from CCM4.1(3)

Dan Greenway Dan.Greenway at 2e2.com
Tue Jan 30 10:22:42 EST 2007

We have a phone service that needs removing from a cluster that is being
used by 6000ish phones!! Under normal circumstance we would have to
remove the service from each phone individually before we can delete the
service. I'm sure you can understand manually removing a phone service
from 6000 devices is going to be painful and time consuming.
Does anyone have any ideas on how we can speed this up. Are there any
"magic" tools out there (that we can trust!! ) that may be able to
automate this process. 
I don't fancy spending the next 3 weeks removing services from phones in
the early hours..........Help!!!!
Dan Greenway
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