[cisco-voip] DayLight Savings Time Release Notes

STEVEN CASPER SCASPER at mandtbank.com
Wed Jan 31 18:01:05 EST 2007

There is a patch on CCO and recommendations on what other actions to
take based on your version of 4.1.3. That why I wanted to know where SR1
falls - ES88 or below vs  ES89.1 or above. 

>>> "Ted Nugent" <tednugent69 at yahoo.com> 01/31/07 5:53 PM >>>
Cisco has not released an actual SR for the DLST yet
but i hear its coming within the next week or so?? My
personal opinion is wait for the SR rather then then
applying the ES otherwise you can turn off daylight
savings on the servers and manually set the clock
until the patch is released.

SR1 falls very short...

--- STEVEN CASPER <SCASPER at mandtbank.com> wrote:

>  Looking over the notes just posted on CCO I see
> they reference Call
> Manager 4.1.3 ES 88 or below and 4.1.3 ES 89.1 or
> higher. Where does
> 4.1.3SR1 fall into?
> Steve Casper
> Voice Technologies
> M&T Bank
> (410) 347-6026
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