[cisco-voip] CCM 4.1 USB eToken

Ted Nugent tednugent69 at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 31 17:34:28 EST 2007

I went down this road a year ago and no luck without
the actual etokens. I finally borrowed some and got it
to work on vmware lab. 
Also, a word of advice, once the phone downloads the
token it will have a hard time registering if the
feature is disabled or it's moved to a new platform.
Took me a while to figure that out after I got done
playing with CTL. You need to go to each phone and
manually erase the token so that it will register. 

--- Tim Medley <tim.medley at moxieent.com> wrote:

> Does anyone know of a way to simulate the Cisco USB
> eToken or  
> otherwise use the voice and signalling encryption
> features of CCM4.1 
> (3) without an eToken?
> I'd like to do some testing in my lab and I do not
> have a real eToken.
> tm
> Tim Medley
> Moxie Enterprises
> Email: tim.medley at moxieent.com
> Phone: (704) 905-4604
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