[cisco-voip] How can Discard a digit form the calling number to the VGW?

Jonathan Charles jonvoip at gmail.com
Wed Jan 31 23:17:07 EST 2007

On the route-pattern, or on the route-list (route group details), select
your digit strip.

Use a translation pattern - 4XXXX to XXXX


On 1/31/07, new look <newlook110 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I'm using CCM4.2 & I have E1 at the VGW My IP Phone DN's4 digits (4XXX) I
> want to discard the first digit (4) from the number forwarded to the VGW.
> When I used debug isdn q931 I got the calling ID is 4XXX.
> Thanks
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