[cisco-voip] Reliable SFTP server for Windows to backup CCM5?

keli at carocomp.ro keli at carocomp.ro
Fri Jun 8 01:14:57 EDT 2007

In that case, you're absolutely right. Sorry, it just seems I have  
usually more Linux boxes hanging around available, than Windows boxes  

SFTP is the only remote backup option on CCM5?


Quoting Jonathan Charles <jonvoip at gmail.com>:

> Umm... no.
> I am not going to tell sales that customers have to buy another server
> just to back up CCM.
> Jonathan
> On 6/7/07, Kelemen Zoltan <keli at carocomp.ro> wrote:
>> Use a Linux server? :-)
>> No software license, easy to set up, as stable as the hardware beneath
>> it. If it's good for Cisco it might be good enough for you too :-)
>> regards,
>>  Zoltan
>> Jonathan Charles wrote:
>>> So, we have tried a bunch out there and they all seem remarkably
>>> junk-like. Service just stops, irritating as hell to configure, and
>>> they just plain don't work.
>>> Any recommendations on one that looks like it was written by someone
>>> who has some concept of writing an actual functioning application?
>>> Jonathan
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