[cisco-voip] (no subject)
Jonathan Charles
jonvoip at gmail.com
Fri Jun 8 19:59:13 EDT 2007
You can burn the files to DVD or CD and copy them that way.
I am a big fan of USB memory sticks on CCM...
On 6/8/07, Johnny Crothers <Johnny.Crothers at vanco.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi,
> Trying to find what the best practices for remote management of a CCM
> cluster in regards to troubleshooting, obtaining files, uploading patchs
> etc…
> What are the best practices when file sharing is not permitted as a security
> policy globally?
> Is there any Approved FTP software that can be installed? I've checked the
> Cisco whitepaper and it looks like there isn't any.
> Can anyone help? Or have advise in the matter?
> I've send an e-mail off to Cisco Customer Support, but havnt heard anything
> back in 3 weeks…. Its become a pressing issue.
> Cheers,
> Johnny
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