[cisco-voip] SFTP to billing server frequency

Jefflin Choi jefflin.choi at gmail.com
Tue Jun 12 05:27:04 EDT 2007

Can we control the time were the CCM will send the CDR files to the
billing server?
e.g. CCM will upload the CDR's to the billing server @ 12 midnight everyday.


On 6/11/07, Ryan Ratliff <rratliff at cisco.com> wrote:
> System->Enterprise Parameters, CDR File Time Interval.   The default
> is one minute, which means each server with CDRs enabled generates 1
> flat file per minute.  These files are copied up to the pub, and then
> from there to the SFTP server if you have one configured.  Increasing
> this will cause the files to be uploaded less frequently, but also
> can drastically increase file size.    This will also impact system
> performance as the SFTP upload has to run that much longer to upload
> the files (one per server).
> I would strongly recommend increasing the value slowly to make sure
> the upload doesn't adversely affect the performance of your publisher.
> -Ryan
> On Jun 10, 2007, at 2:31 AM, proactiveone at gmail.com wrote:
> Hi,
> I have CCM 5.1 clusters. In CDR i want to send all the CDR/CMR files
> to the Billing application server. For this in the CDR Management I
> added the IP address of the billing application server and it is
> uploading the files throught SFTP. The problem which i am getting is
> that after every 30 seconds the CCM is sending the CDR file to the
> application billing server. How can I change the frquency of sending
> the CDR files to the billing server? I would like to   change this at
> least to 12 hours ....
> Any idea...
> Thank you all in advance..
> Regards,
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