[cisco-voip] Cisco 7920 wireless phones not taking with dhcp server.

Paul Choi asobihoudai at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 13 00:18:00 EDT 2007

--- Eduardo Castro <eduardo at alumni.calpoly.edu> wrote:

> Thanks for replying.
> I reset the phone manually,  and reconfigured it
> with an static IP.  The
> phone still will not register with the callmanager
> 4.1
> I ran the following debugs
>  debug dot11 mgmt msg
> debug dot11 mgmt ssid
> debug dot11 mgmt state-machine
> debug dot11 mgmt station
> the debugs only show the phones tha are working and
> have a mac address.  But
> a few of the other not working phones do not show in
> the debug, yet on the
> phone it says 'Authentication ok'
>  it looks like the phones are authenticating fine to
> the AP
> But I still can't figure out how come they are not
> getting a dhcp  server ip
> address.
> It may be a wired issue or the actual dhcp server.


Have you reset the phones to factory default?

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