[cisco-voip] has anyone hear of a phone smokin?

Voll, Scott Scott.Voll at wesd.org
Thu Jun 14 14:31:09 EDT 2007

Were they under a recall...... or do I have to have smartnet?


-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Charles [mailto:jonvoip at gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2007 11:26 AM
To: Voll, Scott
Cc: ciscovoip
Subject: Re: [cisco-voip] has anyone hear of a phone smokin?

You need to get the smoke back in there...

Also, the 7940 had a hardware defect that caused it to burn up... you
could have had one of the bad lot.


On 6/14/07, Voll, Scott <Scott.Voll at wesd.org> wrote:
> Somehow someone did something with a 7940 phone that caused it to
> smoking.
> The phone does not even try to power up on PoE.  Any ideas on how to
fix it?
>  What did the user do to make it smoke?
> Scott
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