[cisco-voip] Unity 5

CarlosOrtiz at bayviewfinancial.com CarlosOrtiz at bayviewfinancial.com
Fri Jun 22 16:57:58 EDT 2007

Let us know how it goes and how the new features work/behave........I 
would think you should do it with the other box offline in case you need 
to rollback as well.....

"Justin Steinberg" <jsteinberg at gmail.com> 
Sent by: cisco-voip-bounces at puck.nether.net
06/22/2007 04:47 PM

"Jonathan Charles" <jonvoip at gmail.com>
cisco-voip <cisco-voip at puck.nether.net>
Re: [cisco-voip] Unity 5

When you do a DiRT restore, the new Unity will go into AD and assume 
responsibility for the accounts.  I don't think you want to do that.

I haven't done a Unity 5 upgrade before.  But seeing how new it is, the 
customer must be cool with taking on the added risk of a new product and 
so should be cool with an extended downtime for the upgrade.  Also, I 
would assume the Unity 5 docs discuss the upgrade options. 

On 6/22/07, Jonathan Charles <jonvoip at gmail.com> wrote:
I am installing Unity 5 next week (upgrade from 4.0(5))... and I want
to make sure my plan makes sense...

I am installing Unity 4.0(5) on the new Windows 2003 server they have
and restoring their DRT backup to it... and then running the Unity 5 

I was wondering what will happen to their existing Unity if we do this
during normal business hours?

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