[cisco-voip] 4.1(3) -> 5.0(4) fails

Ryan O'Connell Roconnell at unislumin.com
Sat Jun 23 11:14:27 EDT 2007

Did you ever get this fixed, having a similar problem upgrading from 4.1(3) to 5.1.1b

06/19/2007 18:02:14 post_install.sh|check_for_critical_error, error found with return code 127, exiting|<LVL::Error>
06/19/2007 18:02:14 display_screen|Arguments: "Critical Error" "The installation has encountered a serious internal error. The system will be halted.

-----Original Message-----
From: cisco-voip-bounces at puck.nether.net [mailto:cisco-voip-bounces at puck.nether.net] On Behalf Of Robin Inderberg
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2007 12:19 AM
To: Andre Beck; cisco-voip at puck.nether.net
Subject: Re: [cisco-voip] 4.1(3) -> 5.0(4) fails

Hi Andre,

Do you have the install.log? 
I have had the same problem, but with a different version.

"12/13/2006 03:07:42 display_screen|Arguments: "Critial Error" "The installation has encountered a unrecoverable internal error. For further assistance report the following information to your support provider.

Script "/usr/local/cm/script/ W1  PostInstall "4.1.3" /usr/local/cm/ /common/download/windows/ /common/log/install/install.log" exited with errors (1)"

Could you send me these files,
C:\Program Files\Cisco\trace\DBL\installdb*.log

And I can compare our problems, 

Best Regards/Med vänliga hälsningar

Robin Inderberg
robin.inderberg at candidator.se
Telefon:   0322-67 10 00    www.candidator.se
Direkt:    0322-67 10 19    Candidator AB
Mobil:     0733-47 10 19    Malmgatan 15
Fax:       0322-67 10 99    441 39  ALINGSÅS

-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: cisco-voip-bounces at puck.nether.net [mailto:cisco-voip-bounces at puck.nether.net] För Andre Beck
Skickat: den 14 februari 2007 16:25
Till: cisco-voip at puck.nether.net
Ämne: [cisco-voip] 4.1(3) -> 5.0(4) fails


installing 5.0(4) with instant upgrade from a formerly produced DMA
backup of a 4.1(3) installation runs well almost to the end, when
it breaks with an "unrecoverable internal error". I've found that
I wasn't the first one to hit this wall, as CSCsg90581 matches my
case exactly:


  When upgrading a 4.1.3 callmanager system to 5.0.4 it fails with
  the following error:

  Installation has encountered a unrecoverable internal error.
  For further assistance report the following information to your support
  Script "/usr/local/cm/script/ W1 PostInstall "4.1.3" /usr/local/cm/ /common/download/windows/
  /common/log/install/install.log" exited with errors (1)



Well, Ok, but no fix and no workaround? What next?

I've tried to install 5.0(4) with instant update to 5.1(1) so I might
be able to use DMA 5.1 and test whether this works, but it already
fails trying to extract the patch file. Is this supposed to work or
is there really no other path of getting to 5.1 than installing 5.0(4)
with successful DMA import and upgrading to 5.1 later on? What about
installing localization packages, are they necessary for a DMA import
that came from a localized 4.1(3) server?

                  The _S_anta _C_laus _O_peration
  or "how to turn a complete illusion into a neverending money source"

-> Andre Beck    +++ ABP-RIPE +++    IBH Prof. Dr. Horn GmbH, Dresden <-
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