[cisco-voip] CallManager 4.2(3) vs. Asterisk

Kelemen Zoltan keli at carocomp.ro
Wed Jun 27 07:24:53 EDT 2007

CallManager, from 4.0.something to 4.2(3).

I have to admit, I wasn't paying too much attention to this trunk, since 
I just classified it as "working", and nobody complained otherwise. I 
presume they weren't using their voice mail much. (It's not a commonly 
used feature in this part of the world)

Right now I've tested a lab setup as well, CCM4.1.3 against Asterisk 
1.2.17 and I can't make that work either. If somebody has some 
experience making it work, I can get into details, what have I tried and 
where have I failed.


Matt Slaga (US) wrote:
> Which did you upgrade, CallManager or Asterisk?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: cisco-voip-bounces at puck.nether.net
> [mailto:cisco-voip-bounces at puck.nether.net] On Behalf Of Kelemen Zoltan
> Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2007 6:16 AM
> To: cisco-voip at puck.nether.net
> Subject: [cisco-voip] CallManager 4.2(3) vs. Asterisk
> Hi!
>   I had a working voicemail system on an Asterisk server, with CCM 4.0, 
> through a SIP trunk.
>   However, right now (post-upgrade) my SIP trunk seems dead, and that 
> mostly from the CCM side. I have no phones registered to the Asterisk 
> box, so I can't really test it from that direction.
>   Capturing traffic on the Asterisk end shows almost no SIP traffic 
> (except for Asterisk regularly sending out an OPTIONS request, and 
> receiving a 400 Bad Request "Malformed/Missing URL" response from 
> CiscoCM), so the calls simply don't make it from the CCM to the Asterisk
> server. Real Time monitoring on CCM shows CallsAttempted increasing on 
> the SIP trunk.
> I can't find anything in the traces, however, I might be looking in the 
> wring direction :-)
> Any ideas?
> thanks,
>   Zoltan
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