[cisco-voip] Dynamically adding a number to a line group

David Guarnido david.guarnido at eurociber.es
Wed Jun 27 10:32:04 EDT 2007

Thanks for your help,


I have one directory number associated with several line group, Can I
login/logout of particular line group?







De: Justin Steinberg [mailto:jsteinberg at gmail.com] 
Enviado el: miércoles, 27 de junio de 2007 15:18
Para: David Guarnido
CC: cisco-voip at puck.nether.net
Asunto: Re: [cisco-voip] Dynamically adding a number to a line group


With 4.2 you should have the hunt group login/logout feature.

You would need to administratively define the members of the line group.
Once you have done that, the users can toggle themselves in and out of the
group via the softkey on their phone.  You will have to create a custom
softkey template for this. 


On 6/27/07, David Guarnido <david.guarnido at eurociber.es> wrote:





I've got a Call Manager version 4.2, with the following configuration:


Hunt pilot 800 associated with a line group (831, 832, 833, etc).


I'd like to be able to dynamically add a new directory number to the line
group, using a fast key on the user's telephone, for example.  Has anybody
set up something like this?  Any comments or suggestions would be




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