[cisco-voip] CME B-ACD transcoding

tele tele at plexialab.it
Thu Jun 28 04:59:26 EDT 2007


I've a WAN link that use g729 codec and my IP phone also use it.
on my CME configuration i point a number to a B-ACD script that need
g711ulaw for working, something like:

dial-peer voice 30 voip
 destination-pattern 11111
 session protocol sipv2
 session target ipv4:
 no vad
dial-peer voice 31 voip
 service aa
 codec g711ulaw
 session protocol sipv2
 incoming called-number 11111
 dtmf-relay rtp-nte
 no vad is a loopback address.

Is there a way to mantain g729 for the leg on the WAN side and g711 on
the AA and then g729 from CME to the IP phone?

WAN -----g729---->|AA(g711)|--g729---> SIP phone

I've read that CME support transcoding only for the endpoints, with CUE
this work cause i send the call to the CUE IP and another call-leg is
created to the CUE so it can be transcoded. The problem is if i use an
AA script on the dial-peer. 

Any ideas?



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