[cisco-voip] H323 dial-peers question

Andre Beck cisco-voip at ibh.net
Mon Oct 29 08:43:18 EDT 2007

Hi Nikola,

On Sun, Oct 28, 2007 at 08:20:42PM -0400, Nikola Stojsin wrote:
> voice translation-rule 10
>  rule 1 /......4300/ /4900/
>  rule 2 /......4301/ /4301/
>  rule 3 /......4302/ /4302/
>  rule 4 /......4303/ /4303/
>  rule 5 /......4304/ /4304/
>  rule 6 /......4305/ /4305/
>  rule 7 /......4306/ /4306/
>  rule 8 /......4307/ /4307/
>  rule 9 /......4308/ /4308/
>  rule 10 /.*/ /4900/

Independent of everything else, you could merge rules 2..9 into a single
one, using regular subexpression backreference (ed-style):

 rule 2 /......\(430[1-8]\)/ /\1/

With your catch-all rule 10, you can also leave out rule 1. So as a result,
you end up with just

 rule 2 /......\(430[1-8]\)/ /\1/
 rule 10 /.*/ /4900/

doing the exact same thing. As there are only 15 rules available,
compacting them as much as possible is a relevant art, just hindered
by the regex model used here not implementing | slices.

BTW, you should think about anchoring your regexps. It may not seem
necessary now, but it makes things clearer and less error prone over
time, when the environment changes unexpectedly.

BTW^2, called party number translations are highly sensitive to
overlap receiving situations. Seems you don't have to deal with one,
but if you had to, be aware that /.*/ on the LHS might terminate an
overlap receiving in progress, routing every call to 4900 instantly.
In such situations, I'm using a construct like

  rule 15 /^123456\(..*\)$/ /\1/

to force the overlap receiving to continue. Don't ask me why exactly
it works (even with extensions longer than two digits), but it does,
while \(.*\) does not. I assume it's because .* can match nothing, so
123456.* will match 123456 before any overlap receiving is invoked,
while 123456..* will require at least another digit, which allows overlap
receiving to start, and after that IOS somehow manages to complete it
correctly (on T302 expiry).

    .sig making fun of Santa Claus Operation currently unavailable

-> Andre Beck    +++ ABP-RIPE +++    IBH Prof. Dr. Horn GmbH, Dresden <-

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