[cisco-voip] Phone and Extension inventory on UCM 6.01

Weigand, John V. jvw at medicineforthedefense.com
Tue Sep 2 12:34:33 EDT 2008

Serious Medicine for the Defense R 

In CCM Administration:
Go to Call Routing >Route Plan Report. Run the full report, and you can
export that as a CSV. Should get you everything you want.

John V. Weigand
Help Desk Support/Executive Support

Litigation Management, Inc.
300 Allen-Bradley Drive
Suite 200
Mayfield Heights, OH 44124

Tel: 440-484-2000
Fax: 440-484-2009
email: jvw at medicineforthedefense.com 


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From: cisco-voip-bounces at puck.nether.net
[mailto:cisco-voip-bounces at puck.nether.net] On Behalf Of
voip at wnc.bcca.org
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 11:41 AM
To: Cisco VOIP mailing list
Subject: [cisco-voip] Phone and Extension inventory on UCM 6.01

Howdy folks-

I wanted to post and ask what the best <free> way is to get a CSV (or
otherwise exportable) listing of all the actual extensions and phones
TAs on a UCM 6.01 system is?

We want to find some way to get a list of current extensions and users
that we can build a phone lookup site for our staff.

We'll have to mudge it some based on the fact that some people have more
than one line assigned, and their primary line isn't always their own
extension (sometimes it's a departmental line).

I've tried exporting from within UCM using the Export tool, but cannot
seem to get anything that contains DID numbers assigned to lines on

I ran an export of the files listed below, but don't find my own
listed in any of them.

I don't want to BUY some sort of expensive package -- I imagine
has done something that works well enough that isn't some paid-for
commercial package.

According to the "header.txt" file, this is what was searched:
Time : Aug 22, 2008 22:20:34 PM EDT
IP Address : x.x.x.x
CCM : master-
File : aargroup
File : callmanagergroup
File : css
File : devicepool
File : devicemobilitygroup
File : datetimegroup
File : location
File : mediaresourcegrouplist
File : mediaresourcegroup
File : partition
File : physicallocation
File : srst
File : region

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