[cisco-voip] Transcoder question

David Lima David.Lima at alphasys.com.bo
Wed Sep 3 17:26:52 EDT 2008

Hi Peter, now I need to start again to try to resolve my problem. For now, the cell-phone calls are working fine but only to G711. I collect this trace with this information:
Calling party: ip phone 3333
Called Party: cell-phone 972025444
I you could check the file and see anything that I cannot see.
By the way, thanks for your suggestion, I try that with these results:
- I create a MRG with only software resources.
- I create a MRG with only hardware resources.
- I create a MRGL and assign it a MRG with MRG with only software resources. (with this MRGL assigned to the iGATE Gateway configuration page, I couldn't make any cell-phone call)
- I create a MRGL and assign it a MRG with only software resources and the MRG with only hardware resources. (with this MRGL assigned to the iGATE Gateway configuration page, the cell-phone calls were normal but I think that it is because only G711 is used).
I attach the router 2801 config and the CCM trace.
Thanks again Peter

-----Mensaje original-----
De: Peter Slow [mailto:peter.slow at gmail.com]
Enviado el: Martes, 02 de Septiembre de 2008 04:12 p.m.
Para: David Lima
CC: cisco-voip at puck.nether.net
Asunto: Re: [cisco-voip] Transcoder question

    when CM sees that the iGate can do G.711 only, and that the region
setting between the iGate (DP-A) and the 79xx is set to g.729, the CM
will use the MRGL assigned to the iGate's H.323 gateway to allocate a
Please copy this MRGL.
on the new MRGL please put a new MRG at the top of the list
Inside that MRG, please _only_ put the 2801 transcoder.

assign this new MRGL to the h.323 gateway for the iGate. This will
ensure that the 2801 is selected over any other MTPs or transcoders in
your system.

Please list for us the checkboxes marked on the gateway's
configuration page, or send screenshots.
Please attach the configuration of the 2801 transcoder - please only
remove passwords, and let me know if the config is otherwise edited.


On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 3:18 PM, David Lima <David.Lima at alphasys.com.bo> wrote:
> Hi Peter, well, when an ip phone user calls a cell-phone, after one ring, the cell-phone and the ip phone are disconnected. In my last test, if I change the remote ip phone with the local device pool, it can establish cell-phone calls without any problem using G711. I'm thinking that it can be a resource problem, and the iGATE only talk G711. I need to figure out how the transcoding is working between the two regions.
> Remote IP Phone---->wan-------->local ip phone
> Regions:
> Remote (g711------------------------------>g729)
> (g729------------------------------>g711) Local
> I think that when a cell-phone call occurs, this is the point
> For the region configuration
> Remote (g711------------------------------->g279)iGATE--->The iGATE cannot talk g729 and the call fails.
> Please, correct me if I'm wrong, this is my point of view only
> Thanks again
> David
> -----Mensaje original-----
> De: Peter Slow [mailto:peter.slow at gmail.com]
> Enviado el: Martes, 02 de Septiembre de 2008 12:39 p.m.
> Para: David Lima
> CC: cisco-voip at puck.nether.net
> Asunto: Re: [cisco-voip] Transcoder question
> David,
>  Thank you very much for that information. your system is configured
> correctly.
>  If the call is actually dropping, It sounds like there's an issue
> with the h.245 signaling. It is possible that your iGate is only
> offering the CCM g.729 in it's TCS. in your situation this would cause
> the all to fail, actually - in other words it would drop and your
> phone would no longer indicate that that you were in the "connected"
> state.
>  Hitting ? and seeing the RX counter not increment indicates another
> different type of issue - can you tell us more about what steps you
> take to reproduce the problem, and what is actually observed by the
> person on the 7921, and also by the person on the cellphone, when the
> call "drops?"
>  is the call lost/disconnected or does it stay up with no audio in
> one or both directions? is there one-way audio at all? perhaps the
> pstn user is able to hear the 7921 user?
> Regards,
>  -Pete
> On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 12:15 PM, David Lima <David.Lima at alphasys.com.bo> wrote:
>> Hi Peter, thanks for your reply
>> Remote (assigned to DP-B?) and [let's call it HQ] (assigned to DP-A?) Please
>> let me knwo if this is correct.--->you are right
>> I imagine that between these two regions, you have g.729 configured.---> you are right
>> I imagine that between DP-A and DP-A, in other words, _within_ DP-A,
>> you use g.711-----> you are right
>> My router 2801 for conference and xcodec resources are located in Region_A where my CCM, PSTN Gateway and iGATE are located. I have the Media resources configured and active, From remote region (Regiona_B), calls to ip phones located in the Region_A or to PSTN are normal, but when a call is dropped when it go through the iGATE (configured as H323 in my CCM). When I press twice the "?" button on my ip phone, I can see that there is TX Packets but the RX packets remains in 0.
>> Thanks again
>> David
>> -----Mensaje original-----
>> De: Peter Slow [mailto:peter.slow at gmail.com]
>> Enviado el: Martes, 02 de Septiembre de 2008 11:51 a.m.
>> Para: David Lima
>> CC: cisco-voip at puck.nether.net
>> Asunto: Re: [cisco-voip] Transcoder question
>> David,
>>   I understand that you have two physical locations - Remote
>> (assigned to DP-B?) and [let's call it HQ] (assigned to DP-A?) Please
>> let me knwo if this is correct.
>> I imagine that between these two regions, you have g.729 configured.
>> I imagine that between DP-A and DP-A, in other words, _within_ DP-A,
>> you use g.711.
>> Please check and make sure what I'm assuming is correct.
>> Please tell us:
>> The _physical_ location of the 2801 used for conferencing/transcoding
>> The _physical_ location of the gateway used to connect to the PSTN
>> the device pool the gateway is in, (check this under the gateway config menu)
>> the device pool the transcoder is in (check this under the media
>> resources > transcoder menu)
>> Please confirm that you're using an H.323 gateway for PSTN access
>> Once you've given us this information, we can provide some answers as
>> to what's goign on, but i will need that information to tell you what
>> you need to go look at first =)
>> Lookin' forward to helping,
>> -Pete
>> On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 9:58 AM, David Lima <David.Lima at alphasys.com.bo> wrote:
>>> Hi all, I have a transcoder problem to make a call to a cell-phone. I have
>>> two device pools configured (DP-A and DP-B), two regions and two locations
>>> with three 7912 ip phones in the remote region.
>>> I have a Cisco 2801 for conference and trancoder hardware resources, and
>>> they are registered in the CCM. When I try to establish a call, the call is
>>> drooped and I cannot see that a transcodig resources is being used. Bue when
>>> I use G711 in both regions, the call is completed.
>>> What should I check?
>>> Thanks for your help
>>> David
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