[cisco-voip] Polycom Video integrated to Cisco

Robert Kulagowski rkulagow at gmail.com
Thu Sep 4 15:07:35 EDT 2008

Justin Steinberg wrote:
> I'm still trying to find my way out of the maze.  that document is very 
> confusing to me, problably the same thing that is confusing you and that 
> is why do we need secondary numbers.  No where does it explain the 
> purpose of those numbers. A little theory before the application here 
> would go a long way.....
> I am going to stick with TDM switching with the Polycom connected via 
> PRI to the same ISR that terminates the CO ISDN circuits.

We didn't want to go TDM switching so that we don't need to buy PRI 
adapters for our equipment, and to also allow us to dynamically allocate 
channels as required.

I've gotten an inbound call to work at 384K using an HDX 4002.  No joy 
on a VSX7000.  Still playing around.

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