[cisco-voip] .lic file viewer?

Ryan Ratliff rratliff at cisco.com
Wed Sep 10 11:57:13 EDT 2008

For CUCM licenses just open them as a text file.
(50 DLUs)
INCREMENT PHONE_UNIT cisco 5.0 permanent uncounted \

(1 node)
INCREMENT CCM_NODE cisco 5.0 permanent uncounted \

(6.x feature license)
INCREMENT SW_FEATURE cisco 6.0 permanent uncounted \


On Sep 10, 2008, at 11:01 AM, Jason Aarons ((US)) wrote:

Is there a stand along license key viewer I could run on my laptop?

I sometimes get .lic files that don’t match what was purchased  
(either mac or quantity).  I then upload them and find out.

Be great if there was a tool I could run on my laptop to view  
the .lic file before I load it.

This is mostly for upgrade scenarios where down time results from not  
enough mailboxes, etc.

It takes licensing at cisco.com sometimes days to get it right, you go  
back and forth, with hours between responses.

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