[cisco-voip] ipcc express and enterprise on same CM cluster

Wes Sisk wsisk at cisco.com
Thu Sep 11 10:24:56 EDT 2008

yes, possible.
be cautious of:
1. if cm4.x make sure each IPCCX/CRS server gets its own 
configuration/repository container.  don't overload all into one.
2. don't oversubscribe CM.  both of those are CTI integrations and can 
be large call volume.  CTI taxes CM, high volume CTI even more so.  Stay 
well within the capacity calculator.


Eric Pedersen wrote:
> Can the same CM cluster have an install of IPCC Express and an install 
> of IPCC Enterprise? (Each will have their own CRS servers.)  I don't 
> see why there would be a problem with this, but I just want to make sure.
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