[cisco-voip] Script Question - IPCC Express Premium

Micah Bennett mbennett at als-xtn.com
Wed Sep 17 15:55:42 EDT 2008

Hello All

We are working to clean up some of our scripts.  All of our original
scripts were built by our install partner.  We have just been building
new ones by copying what they built.  Everything is working fine but we
are trying to clean some of them up and take out any garbage or unused

I have attached two example scripts.  They are both the same script but
I have edited one to change the variables under the "Select Resource"
step.  AgentsOLD.aef is the original script as built by our partner.
AgentsNEW.aef is the same script with the variables and "Select
Resource" step edited by me.

In the AgentsOLD.aef I can not really tell that the "Get User Info" step
and "Get User" step are doing anything valuable.  I think they were just
built into every script by our partner because that is how she was
taught.  I believe I have accomplished the exact same routing with fewer
steps and variables in the AgentsNEW.aef.

In the AgentsOLD.aef I see where the Select Resource step is setting the
variable "_TmpRsrc..........956".
Then I see where the Get User Info step is pulling the Identifier
portion of that data and storing it as the "resourceID" variable.
The next step, "Get User", uses the data now stored in "resourceID" to
pull the same data that it stored in "_TmpRsrc..........956", and store
it in the variable "_TmpRsrc............966".
The call is then routed to agent information that is stored in variable

It seems like two or three extra steps are being used to create variable
......966 from the information in variable ....956, when you could just
as easily skip all that and route straight to the user information
stored under variable .....956.  It is the same data.  I really don't
see a reason for these extra steps and I do not believe they are needed
for any reporting statistics. 

As you can see in the AgentsNEW.aef, I got rid of the _TmpRsrc.....956
and 966 variables.  I then added my own variable (SelectedAgent) to
store the same information.  I also got rid of the resourceID variable.
In my NEW script, the agent is selected from the specified CSQ and that
data is stored in the variable "SelectedAgent".  The agent is placed in
Reserved status.  Call Type is set and Enterprise data is presented to
their Agent Desktop window.  Call is then connected to Agent (based off
the agent data stored in the "SelectedAgent" variable).

My script seems to be doing the exact same selection process with two
less variables and two less steps "under Select Resource", and its not
going in a circle to do it like the OLD version was.  I have tested it
and it works fine.  

I would like for anyone with more IPCC scripting experience than me to
look at them and see if I am missing anything.  Like I said, it works
and it's a lot cleaner when you look at it and try to follow the flow.
As long as none of the changes affect our reporting statistics we should
be good with changing this in all of our scripts.      

 <<AgentsOLD.aef>>  <<AgentsNEW.aef>> 

Micah Bennett
Telecommunications Admin

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