[cisco-voip] Routing call based on calling number

Mirko Maffioli mirkomaffioli at emisfera.it
Thu Dec 3 12:01:07 EST 2009


It is possibile to route a call based on the calling number on a CME?
For example:

voice translation-rule 10
 rule 1 / xxxBRI NUMBERxxx / /xxxROUTED DESTINATIONxxx/

voice translation-rule 11
 rule 1 / xxxBRI NUMBERxxx / /xxxNORMAL DESTINATIONxxx/

voice translation-profile IN-NORMALCALL
translate called 11

voice translation-profile IN-ROUTED
 translate called 10

dial-peer voice 180 pots
 description *** INCOMING CALLS ***
 translation-profile incoming IN-NORMALCALL
 incoming called-number xxxBRI NUMBERxxx
 port 0/1/0

dial-peer voice 190 pots
 description *** INCOMING TO BE ROUTED***
 translation-profile incoming IN-ROUTED
 answer-address xxxCALLING NUMBERxxx
 incoming called-number xxxBRI NUMBERxxx
 port 0/1/0


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