[cisco-voip] 7965

Mark Holloway mh at markholloway.com
Wed Dec 16 10:34:06 EST 2009

I thought I had a dead 7965 at one point.  Tried factory reset 123456789*0# and the phone was stuck at the boot screen.  Then tried 3491672850*# (the ultimate factory reset) and when the phone powers on, the screen goes solid black.  When the screen is black it is looking for a DHCP server to provide an IP, subnet, and TFTP IP so it can download firmware.  


BTW, congrats on getting your CCIE Voice.

On Dec 16, 2009, at 5:35 AM, Nowacki Marcin wrote:

> Hi
> Guys I have a problem with a phone : 7965. He is back from our customer, and his status seams dead. Only one red lamp is in still  mode ( red speaker ). Phone is not rebooting, factory reset code is not working, nothing can be done from metods which I know. Have you had that kind of problem ?
> Best regards
> Marcin
> Marcin Nowacki
> Inżynier Systemowy
> CCIE VOICE #25773
> <image001.png>
> tel. +48 (58) 3400 414
> mobile. +48 600 490 308
> fax. +48 (58) 3 400 401
> Sąd Rejonowy Gdańsk – Północ w Gdańsku, VII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego KRS: 0000308826, NIP: 583-22-02-053 Kapitał zakładowy: 588.000,00
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