[cisco-voip] Agent Desktop with Citrix or VDI ?

Dane dane at pktloss.net
Thu Jan 8 16:07:36 EST 2009

Trying to find information on virtualizing the Agent Desktop in
Contact Center.  I have seen some Cisco docs say you that Agent
Desktop can work in Citrix. Not really sure how that would work
honestly since the Agent usually has to be on a PC connected to the PC
port of the phone it is controlling.  My understanding of all this is
limited to my experience with IPCCX so maybe enterprise and CTIOS
offers something more.

CTIOS raises another question though, in reading about it I always see
reference to CTI OS Agent Softphone which actually is a softphone and
not the same as what the IPCCX agent does.

We would like to try creating VM's for the call center agents, seems
like the ideal place to do VDI is a call center but not sure how to
handle the Agent software when I have always been under the impression
that the agent has to be physically located off the phone to do the
phone control, which makes me wonder how you can even run this in
Citrix like the docs say?

Any thoughts?  How are others doing this or are they?

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