[cisco-voip] how to run TestWritableDomainController.xml

Erick Bergquist erickbee at gmail.com
Tue Jan 20 03:20:17 EST 2009

That file goes in the \CommServer\SysCheck\ENU\Domain\ folder. I'm not
sure how to run it seperately, as it part of a Unity 5.0x ES patch I
did awhile back which just required copying the new file into the
folder for unity to use.

Does the Msg Store Wiz run at all when you try to run it? What happens?

On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 9:11 AM, James Grace <grace.jd at gmail.com> wrote:
> im trying to rehome a unity server 5.X and i believe i need to run the
> TestWritableDomainController.xml.  The msgstore wiz will not run.  anybody
> know how to run the xml file or better yet, where to put it.
> --
> James Grace
> System Engineer / Consultant
> Email: grace.jd at gmail.com

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