[cisco-voip] IPCC Express 5.0

A.Dandashi dandashi at ins-sa.com
Tue Jan 27 14:18:19 EST 2009

Hi Guys,


I have installed IPCC express on a non-mcs server and used the CM 4.X
windows 2000 non-mcs registry crack, currently it is running on windows
server 2003 and I am facing a problem in logging in to the CRS application
administration page, with some research I have found a similar problem but
for IPCC express 3.X and running on windows 2000, resolution to the problem
is showing below:



When the Cisco IPCC Express server is rebuilt, agents with Administrator
attributes are lost. You must assign the agent Administrator attributes. The
procedure follows:

1.	Rename ccndir.ini which is located in C:\WINNT\system32\ccn to

Note: C: represents the drive where Cisco IPCC Express is installed on.





Since I am using windows 2003 I am not able to locate the Administrator
attributes as ccn folder does not exist. 

Your help to find where the agent administrator attributes are located on
windows 2003 is highly appreciated




Just for the record please find the registry file below: 




Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
















Andy Dandashi


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