[cisco-voip] unity connection 7.1 disable tts

Nowacki Marcin Marcin_Nowacki at sevenet.pl
Sat Nov 21 08:07:13 EST 2009

Hi all

Recently we have deployed CUCMBE 7 to our customer with english language, they didn't wont to localize it ( international  company where native language is english ), but as soon as we configured LDAP sync and imported users from CUCM we've noticed that during greetings systems tries to read First and Last name of user, what is funny, but not practical if the name is in local language. We wanted to disable this just to hear extension of valid user. I can not find in the docs ( maybe I'm missing something ) anything about disabling this function, but as soon as client asked me I was pretty sure that it should be some enable/disable function under user Class of Service.
 I've noticed that if I'm not importing the user from CUCM but add it only from CUC ( Alias and Extension only ) it of course did not have First and Last name so he is properly saying "Number xxxx is not (..) leave a message". Maybe I should change something in PCA settings on every user ?
Any issues with this ? Solution ?


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