[cisco-voip] C1861-SRST-F/K9 with HWIC-1T1/E1

Doug McIntyre merlyn at Geeks.ORG
Tue Sep 22 11:40:11 EDT 2009

On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 09:56:20AM -0500, Carter, Bill wrote:
> It is the opposite problem. The card is displayed in IOS, but the card
> is not physically installed in the router. The HWIC slot has a blank
> cover over it.
> Show run:
> controller T1 0/3/0

My guess is the hardware card got assembled wrong, and you have the
card (it'd be pretty hard to spoof that HWIC 0/3 has something in it
without something actually being in it), and a blank face plate got
installed over the T1 port rather than a face plate with the hole
cutout for the RJ45 jack..

If you remove the HWIC cover plate, what do you see? 
You might have to open up the router to see it as well. 

I'd go to TAC first, you get the first 90 days at least for TAC on
most Cisco hardware.. It'd be an odd one. :)

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