[cisco-voip] "iPod" audio to multicast and then back to standard audio devices?

Robert Kulagowski rkulagow at gmail.com
Fri Sep 25 23:09:33 EDT 2009

Craig Staffin wrote:
> TOA makes devices similar.
> They are able to take in audio and turn it into RTP and then multicast 
> it out.
> http://docs.google.com/gview?a=v&q=cache%3AVlBSXziL9_sJ%3Awww.toaelectronics.com%2Fspec_sheets%2Fnx-100_spec.pdf+audio+input+to+multicast+adaptor&hl=en&gl=us&sig=AFQjCNEzyXOB1k-GsplbDnI79xMINjzoxQ&pli=1 
> <http://docs.google.com/gview?a=v&q=cache%3AVlBSXziL9_sJ%3Awww.toaelectronics.com%2Fspec_sheets%2Fnx-100_spec.pdf+audio+input+to+multicast+adaptor&hl=en&gl=us&sig=AFQjCNEzyXOB1k-GsplbDnI79xMINjzoxQ&pli=1>

No joy.  Got the following email:
The NX-100 is designed for sending high-quality, wide-band music and
speech over wide area Ethernet networks, including the internet.  In
order to do this, we use a widely compatible standard Ethernet, TCP/IP
and UDP interface, but the data stream uses a proprietary codec
algorithm.  So wherever an NX-100 is used to transmit audio, another
NX-100 is required at each receiving location to convert the stream back
to analog audio.

so, still looking...

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