[cisco-voip] Remote Phone cannot answer calls...

Jonathan Charles jonvoip at gmail.com
Sun Jan 24 19:41:39 EST 2010

So, I have an extension, 3819 on phones in two offices, St. Louis and

The call hits the PRI gateway in Philadelphia and whenever someone in SL
tries to answer it, they get a fast busy, while the caller continues to here

We see this in the phone logs:

NOT 19:22:01.658932 tftpClient: request server6 1 ---> ::
NOT 19:22:26.319287 DSP: ***MediaTerminationStopTone ignored, nonmatched
call reference- new 34241422, current tone 0
NOT 19:22:26.428439 DSP: ***MediaTerminationStopTone ignored, nonmatched
call reference- new 34241422, current tone 0
ERR 19:22:26.591850 DSP: wcTrans*** Invalid response 5 ERR 19:22:26.592612
DSP: Tone*** Connect/disconnect fails: -1
ERR 19:22:27.096889 DSP: wcTrans*** Invalid response 5 ERR 19:22:27.097640
DSP: Tone*** Connect/disconnect fails: -1
ERR 19:22:32.317107 DSP: wcTrans*** Invalid response 5 ERR 19:22:32.317863
DSP: Tone*** Connect/disconnect fails: -1
WRN 19:22:32.413098 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.mmgr.dt:? - [MediaMgrSM]:
Unhandled Event, State = StateOnHook Event = EventSetSpeakerModeOff
WRN 19:22:32.414521 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.mmgr.dt:? - [MediaMgrSM]:
Unhandled Event, State = StateOnHook Event = EventEndcall
NOT 19:22:33.370115 CDP-D: holdThrd SendingCmd:proto:1 port:0

On CCM, we see:

008993775| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.232| 002| SdlSig    |
StationSoftKeyEvent                   | restart0                      |
StationD(2,100,40,14775)        | StationInit(2,100,39,1)         |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 0, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]SoftKeyEvent=11   LineInstance=2   Call
Reference=34241426   SelectType=1
008993776| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.232| 002| SdlSig    |
StationOffHook                        | restart0                      |
StationD(2,100,40,14775)        | StationD(2,100,40,14775)        |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:LP - HP: 0, NP: 0, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]Line=2 CI=34241426 GCI.node=0 GCI.ci=0
mDialedDigits= mPrimaryCi=0 cgpn= cgpnVMBx= trigger=1 mSpoofCgp=F fp=1
fid=9999 FDataType=0opId=0ssType=0invokeId=0resultExp=F
008993777| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.233| 002| SdlSig    |
StationOutputSetRinger                | restart0                      |
StationD(2,100,40,14775)        | StationD(2,100,40,14775)        |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 2, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]Mode=RingOff Duration=Normal Line=0 CI=0

008993778| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.233| 002| SdlSig    |
StationOutputSetSpeakerMode           | restart0                      |
StationD(2,100,40,14775)        | StationD(2,100,40,14775)        |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 1, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]Mode=SpeakerOn
008993779| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.233| 002| SdlSig    |
StationOffHook                        | call_received7                |
StationCdpc(2,100,41,33679)     | StationD(2,100,40,14775)        |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 0, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]Line=2 CI=34241426 GCI.node=0 GCI.ci=0
mDialedDigits= mPrimaryCi=0 cgpn= cgpnVMBx= trigger=1 mSpoofCgp=F fp=1 fid=0
008993780| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.233| 002| SdlSig    |
StationOutputSetLamp                  | restart0                      |
StationD(2,100,40,14775)        | StationCdpc(2,100,41,33679)     |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 7, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]StimulusName=Line Mode=LampOn Instance=2
008993781| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.233| 002| SdlSig    |
CcUserInfoInd                         | restart0                      |
LineControl(2,100,139,1457)     | StationCdpc(2,100,41,33679)     |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 6, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]CI=34241426 CI.branch=0  isDtmf=F isTone=F tone=0
duration=0 isPortToPort=2 isFeat=F featType= isMTPPassThru2833=F0 TTLFlag=F
008993782| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.233| 002| SdlSig    |
CcUpdateRegistration                  | restart0                      |
LineControl(2,100,139,1457)     | StationCdpc(2,100,41,33679)     |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 6, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]CI=34241426 CI.branch=0
CSS=36d341be-6621-4c64-2390-724fa407a618 cssIns=0
aarCSS=36d341be-6621-4c64-2390-724fa407a618 aarDev=T
FQDN=tn=0npi=0nd=3129623819pi=0si1 CallRef=0 OLC=0 Name=locale: 1 Name:
UnicodeName:  pi: 1 encodeType=1 ConnType=3 XferMode=4 ConnTime=3
nwLoc=0IpAddrMode=0port=0 ipAddrType=0 ipv4= region=NYC505
capCount=9 devType=4 mixerCId=0 mediaReq=0 portToPort.loc=5
MOH.MRGLPkid=ceb8252f-9d0b-bd35-0e78-3e7a08c90dd8 MOH.userHoldID=10
MOH.netHoldID=3 MOH.supp=F devName=SEP00235E17D163 ctiActive=F
ctiFarEndDev=1 ctiCCMId=2 devCepn=6b60d58c-c1db-03d6-432c-e35aea3296a0
activeCaps=0 VideoCall=F VideoCap=F dataCap=2 devCap=0 CryptoCapCount=0
secure=1 loginId= UnicodeName:
33679 at UAPortFlag=F wantDTMFRecep=0 provOOB=0 supp DTMF=3 DTMF
Cfg=1 DTMF PT=0 DTMF reqMed=1 isPrefAltScript=T audioPtyId=0
doNotAppendLineCSS=F lrg=a27ec624-8c3d-ef77-9400-2bc2da86b053 BCUpdate=0
ccBearCap.itc=0 ccBearCap.l=0 ccBearCap.itr=0 protected=1 flushCapIns=0
geolocInfo={geolocPkid=, filterPkid=, geolocVal=, devType=4} locPkid=
locName= lineId.directoryNumber=pi=0si1 lineId.partition=
008993783| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.233| 002| SdlSig    |
CcSetupConf                           | restart0                      |
LineControl(2,100,139,1457)     | StationCdpc(2,100,41,33679)     |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 6, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]CI=34241426 CI.branch=0
FDataType=0opId=0ssType=0invokeId=0resultExp=F pi.piid=30 pi.l=0 pi2.piid=30
pi2.l=0 pi3.piid=30 pi3.l=0 cName=locale: 1 Name:  UnicodeName:  pi: 0
cn:pi=0si1IpAddrMode=0port=0 ipAddrType=0 ipv4= location=5
retriedVCAA=F isCallRoutedThroughHuntList=F hlMemberDn= mediaReq0Supp
DTMF=0DTMF Cfg=1DTMF Payload=0 PL=5 PLDmn=0 bc.itc=0 bc.l=3 bc.itr=1
tokens=0 locPkid= locName=
008993784| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.234| 002| SdlSig    |
StationOutputCallState                | restart0                      |
StationD(2,100,40,14775)        | StationCdpc(2,100,41,33679)     |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 7, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]State=1 privacy=0 Line=2 CI=34241426 P-level=4
008993785| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.234| 002| SdlSig    |
DSetCallPhase                         | restart0                      |
StationD(2,100,40,14775)        | StationCdpc(2,100,41,33679)     |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 6, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]CallPhase=CALL_ACTIVE
008993786| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.234| 002| SdlSig    |
DSetCallState                         | restart0                      |
StationD(2,100,40,14775)        | StationCdpc(2,100,41,33679)     |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 6, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]CallState = connect_request8
008993787| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.234| 002| SdlSig    |
StationOutputActivateCallPlane        | restart0                      |
StationD(2,100,40,14775)        | StationCdpc(2,100,41,33679)     |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 5, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]LineInstance=2
008993788| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.234| 002| SdlSig    |
CcUserInfoInd                         | call_received7                |
LineCdpc(2,100,140,16714)       | LineControl(2,100,139,1457)     |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 4, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]CI=34241426 CI.branch=0  isDtmf=F isTone=F tone=0
duration=0 isPortToPort=2 isFeat=F featType= isMTPPassThru2833=F0 TTLFlag=F
008993789| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.234| 002| SdlSig    |
CcUpdateRegistration                  | call_received7                |
LineCdpc(2,100,140,16714)       | LineControl(2,100,139,1457)     |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 4, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]CI=34241426 CI.branch=0
cssIns=0 aarCSS=36d341be-6621-4c64-2390-724fa407a618 aarDev=T
FQDN=tn=0npi=0nd=3129623819pi=0si1 CallRef=0 OLC=0 Name=locale: 1 Name:
UnicodeName:  pi: 1 encodeType=1 ConnType=3 XferMode=4 ConnTime=3
nwLoc=0IpAddrMode=0port=0 ipAddrType=0 ipv4= region=NYC505
capCount=9 devType=4 mixerCId=0 mediaReq=0 portToPort.loc=5
MOH.MRGLPkid=ceb8252f-9d0b-bd35-0e78-3e7a08c90dd8 MOH.userHoldID=14
MOH.netHoldID=14 MOH.supp=F devName=SEP00235E17D163 ctiActive=F
ctiFarEndDev=1 ctiCCMId=2 devCepn=6b60d58c-c1db-03d6-432c-e35aea3296a0
activeCaps=0 VideoCall=F VideoCap=F dataCap=2 devCap=0 CryptoCapCount=0
secure=1 loginId= UnicodeName:
33679 at UAPortFlag=F wantDTMFRecep=0 provOOB=0 supp DTMF=3 DTMF
Cfg=1 DTMF PT=0 DTMF reqMed=1 isPrefAltScript=T audioPtyId=0
doNotAppendLineCSS=F lrg=a27ec624-8c3d-ef77-9400-2bc2da86b053 BCUpdate=0
ccBearCap.itc=0 ccBearCap.l=0 ccBearCap.itr=0 protected=1 flushCapIns=0
geolocInfo={geolocPkid=, filterPkid=, geolocVal=, devType=4} locPkid=
locName= lineId.directoryNumber=pi=0si1 lineId.partition=
008993790| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.234| 002| SdlSig    |
CcSetupConf                           | call_received7                |
LineCdpc(2,100,140,16714)       | LineControl(2,100,139,1457)     |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 3, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]CI=34241426 CI.branch=0
FDataType=0opId=0ssType=0invokeId=0resultExp=F pi.piid=30 pi.l=0 pi2.piid=30
pi2.l=0 pi3.piid=30 pi3.l=0 cName=locale: 1 Name:  UnicodeName:  pi: 0
cn:pi=0si1IpAddrMode=0port=0 ipAddrType=0 ipv4= location=5
retriedVCAA=F isCallRoutedThroughHuntList=F hlMemberDn= mediaReq0Supp
DTMF=0DTMF Cfg=1DTMF Payload=0 PL=5 PLDmn=0 bc.itc=0 bc.l=3 bc.itr=1
tokens=0 locPkid= locName=
008993791| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.235| 002| SdlSig    |
StationOutputSetRinger                | restart0                      |
StationD(2,100,40,14775)        | StationD(2,100,40,14775)        |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 5, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]Mode=RingOff Duration=Normal Line=2 CI=34241426
008993792| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.235| 002| SdlSig    |
CcUserInfoInd                         | wait                          |
Cc(2,100,175,1)                 | LineCdpc(2,100,140,16714)       |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 4, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]CI=34241426 CI.branch=0  isDtmf=F isTone=F tone=0
duration=0 isPortToPort=2 isFeat=F featType= isMTPPassThru2833=F0 TTLFlag=F
008993793| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.235| 002| SdlSig    |
CcUpdateRegistration                  | wait                          |
Cc(2,100,175,1)                 | LineCdpc(2,100,140,16714)       |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 4, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]CI=34241426 CI.branch=0
cssIns=0 aarCSS=36d341be-6621-4c64-2390-724fa407a618 aarDev=T
FQDN=tn=0npi=0nd=3129623819pi=0si1 CallRef=0 OLC=0 Name=locale: 1 Name:
UnicodeName:  pi: 1 encodeType=1 ConnType=3 XferMode=4 ConnTime=3
nwLoc=0IpAddrMode=0port=0 ipAddrType=0 ipv4= region=NYC505
capCount=9 devType=4 mixerCId=0 mediaReq=0 portToPort.loc=5
MOH.MRGLPkid=ceb8252f-9d0b-bd35-0e78-3e7a08c90dd8 MOH.userHoldID=14
MOH.netHoldID=14 MOH.supp=F devName=SEP00235E17D163 ctiActive=F
ctiFarEndDev=1 ctiCCMId=2 devCepn=6b60d58c-c1db-03d6-432c-e35aea3296a0
activeCaps=0 VideoCall=F VideoCap=F dataCap=2 devCap=0 CryptoCapCount=0
secure=1 loginId= UnicodeName:
33679 at UAPortFlag=F wantDTMFRecep=0 provOOB=0 supp DTMF=3 DTMF
Cfg=1 DTMF PT=0 DTMF reqMed=1 isPrefAltScript=T audioPtyId=0
doNotAppendLineCSS=F lrg=a27ec624-8c3d-ef77-9400-2bc2da86b053 BCUpdate=0
ccBearCap.itc=0 ccBearCap.l=0 ccBearCap.itr=0 protected=1 flushCapIns=0
geolocInfo={geolocPkid=, filterPkid=, geolocVal=, devType=4} locPkid=
locName= lineId.directoryNumber=pi=0si1 lineId.partition=
008993794| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.235| 002| SdlSig    |
CcSetupConf                           | wait                          |
Cc(2,100,175,1)                 | LineCdpc(2,100,140,16714)       |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 4, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]CI=34241426 CI.branch=0
FDataType=0opId=0ssType=0invokeId=0resultExp=F pi.piid=30 pi.l=0 pi2.piid=30
pi2.l=0 pi3.piid=30 pi3.l=0 cName=locale: 1 Name:  UnicodeName:  pi: 0
cn:pi=0si1IpAddrMode=0port=0 ipAddrType=0 ipv4= location=5
retriedVCAA=F isCallRoutedThroughHuntList=F hlMemberDn= mediaReq0Supp
DTMF=0DTMF Cfg=1DTMF Payload=0 PL=5 PLDmn=0 bc.itc=0 bc.l=3 bc.itr=1
tokens=0 locPkid= locName=
008993795| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.235| 002| SdlSig    |
LmKeyHoldReq                          | restart0                      |
StationD(2,100,40,14765)        | LineCdpc(2,100,140,16714)       |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 4, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]CI=34241426 privacyStatus=1
008993796| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.235| 002| SdlSig    |
LmKeyHoldReq                          | restart0                      |
StationD(2,100,40,14771)        | LineCdpc(2,100,140,16714)       |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 4, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]CI=34241426 privacyStatus=1
008993797| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.235| 002| SdlSig    |
CcUserInfoInd                         | tcc_call_alerting6            |
Cdcc(2,100,174,15407)           | Cc(2,100,175,1)                 |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 4, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]CI=34241426 CI.branch=0  isDtmf=F isTone=F tone=0
duration=0 isPortToPort=2 isFeat=F featType= isMTPPassThru2833=F0 TTLFlag=F
008993798| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.235| 002| SdlSig    |
CcUpdateRegistration                  | tcc_call_alerting6            |
Cdcc(2,100,174,15407)           | Cc(2,100,175,1)                 |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 4, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]CI=34241426 CI.branch=0
cssIns=0 aarCSS=36d341be-6621-4c64-2390-724fa407a618 aarDev=T
FQDN=tn=0npi=0nd=3129623819pi=0si1 CallRef=0 OLC=0 Name=locale: 1 Name:
UnicodeName:  pi: 1 encodeType=1 ConnType=3 XferMode=4 ConnTime=3
nwLoc=0IpAddrMode=0port=0 ipAddrType=0 ipv4= region=NYC505
capCount=9 devType=4 mixerCId=0 mediaReq=0 portToPort.loc=5
MOH.MRGLPkid=ceb8252f-9d0b-bd35-0e78-3e7a08c90dd8 MOH.userHoldID=14
MOH.netHoldID=14 MOH.supp=F devName=SEP00235E17D163 ctiActive=F
ctiFarEndDev=1 ctiCCMId=2 devCepn=6b60d58c-c1db-03d6-432c-e35aea3296a0
activeCaps=0 VideoCall=F VideoCap=F dataCap=2 devCap=0 CryptoCapCount=0
secure=1 loginId= UnicodeName:
33679 at UAPortFlag=F wantDTMFRecep=0 provOOB=0 supp DTMF=3 DTMF
Cfg=1 DTMF PT=0 DTMF reqMed=1 isPrefAltScript=T audioPtyId=0
doNotAppendLineCSS=F lrg=a27ec624-8c3d-ef77-9400-2bc2da86b053 BCUpdate=0
ccBearCap.itc=0 ccBearCap.l=0 ccBearCap.itr=0 protected=1 flushCapIns=0
geolocInfo={geolocPkid=, filterPkid=, geolocVal=, devType=4} locPkid=
locName= lineId.directoryNumber=pi=0si1 lineId.partition=
008993799| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.236| 002| SdlSig    |
CcSetupConf                           | tcc_call_alerting6            |
Cdcc(2,100,174,15407)           | Cc(2,100,175,1)                 |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 3, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]CI=34241426 CI.branch=0
FDataType=0opId=0ssType=0invokeId=0resultExp=F pi.piid=30 pi.l=0 pi2.piid=30
pi2.l=0 pi3.piid=30 pi3.l=0 cName=locale: 1 Name:  UnicodeName:  pi: 0
cn:pi=0si1IpAddrMode=0port=0 ipAddrType=0 ipv4= location=5
retriedVCAA=F isCallRoutedThroughHuntList=F hlMemberDn= mediaReq0Supp
DTMF=0DTMF Cfg=1DTMF Payload=0 PL=5 PLDmn=0 bc.itc=0 bc.l=3 bc.itr=1
tokens=0 locPkid= locName=
008993800| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.236| 002| Created
|                                       |                               |
MatrixControl(2,100,109,13374)  | Cdcc(2,100,174,15407)
|                                         | NumOfCurrentInstances: 1
008993801| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.236| 002| SdlSig    |
LmKeyHoldReq                          | call_received7                |
StationCdpc(2,100,41,33677)     | StationD(2,100,40,14765)        |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 4, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]CI=34241426 privacyStatus=1
008993802| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.236| 002| SdlSig    |
LmKeyHoldReq                          | call_received7                |
StationCdpc(2,100,41,33678)     | StationD(2,100,40,14771)        |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 11, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]CI=34241426 privacyStatus=1
008993803| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.236| 002| SdlSig    |
CcUserInfoReq                         | restart0                      |
H225D(2,100,153,22)             | Cdcc(2,100,174,15407)           |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 18, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]CI=34241425 CI.branch=0  isDtmf=F isTone=F tone=0
duration=0 PortToPort=2 isFeat=F isMTPPassThru2833=F featType=0 TTLFlag=F
008993804| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.236| 002| SdlSig    |
SsDataInd                             | wait                          |
ForwardManager(2,100,158,1)     | Cdcc(2,100,174,15407)           |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 18, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]SsType=33554436 SsKey=0 SsNode=2 SsParty=34241426
DevId=(0,0,0) BCC=5 OtherParty=34241425 NodeOtherParty=2 clearType = 0
CSS=13a125a6-2786-d25b-6756-c92ff16c560a CNumInfo = 0 CNameInfo = 0
ssDevType=4 ssOtherDevType=7 FDataType=0opId=0ssType=0invokeId=0resultExp=F
ssCause = 0 ssUserState = 2 ssOtherUserState = 2 PL=5 PLDmn=0 networkDomain=
delayAPTimer=F geolocInfo={geolocPkid=, filterPkid=, geolocVal=, devType=4}
cfwdTimerAction=0 matchInterceptPartition= matchInterceptPattern=
008993805| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.236| 002| SdlSig    |
ConnPartyReq                          | await_command                 |
MatrixControl(2,100,109,13374)  | Cdcc(2,100,174,15407)           |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 18, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]
008993806| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.236| 002| SdlSig    |
StationOutputDefineTimeDate           | restart0                      |
StationD(2,100,40,14765)        | StationCdpc(2,100,41,33677)     |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 18, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]
008993807| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.236| 002| SdlSig    |
PolicyAndRSVPUnregisterReq            | wait                          |
RSVPSessionMgr(2,100,76,1)      | StationCdpc(2,100,41,33677)     |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 17, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]CI= 34241426  ClearType=0
008993808| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.237| 002| SdlSig    |
StationOutputSetLamp                  | restart0                      |
StationD(2,100,40,14765)        | StationCdpc(2,100,41,33677)     |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 17, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]StimulusName=Line Mode=LampOn Instance=1
008993809| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.237| 002| SdlSig    |
DSetCallPhase                         | restart0                      |
StationD(2,100,40,14765)        | StationCdpc(2,100,41,33677)     |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 16, LP:
008993810| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.237| 002| SdlSig    |
StationOutputCallState                | restart0                      |
StationD(2,100,40,14765)        | StationCdpc(2,100,41,33677)     |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 16, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]State=13 privacy=1 Line=1 CI=34241426 P-level=4
008993811| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.237| 002| SdlSig    |
StationOutputSelectSoftKeys           | restart0                      |
StationD(2,100,40,14765)        | StationCdpc(2,100,41,33677)     |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 15, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]Line=1 CI=34241426 SKIndex=10 Mask=2
008993812| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.237| 002| SdlSig    |
StationOutputDisplayPromptStatus      | restart0                      |
StationD(2,100,40,14765)        | StationCdpc(2,100,41,33677)     |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 14, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]TimeOut=0 Status=� UnicodeStatus= Line=1
008993813| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.237| 002| SdlSig    |
DSetCallState                         | restart0                      |
StationD(2,100,40,14765)        | StationCdpc(2,100,41,33677)     |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 13, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]CallState = active10
008993814| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.237| 002| SdlSig    |
StationOutputDefineTimeDate           | restart0                      |
StationD(2,100,40,14771)        | StationCdpc(2,100,41,33678)     |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 12, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]
008993815| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.237| 002| SdlSig    |
PolicyAndRSVPUnregisterReq            | wait                          |
RSVPSessionMgr(2,100,76,1)      | StationCdpc(2,100,41,33678)     |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 11, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]CI= 34241426  ClearType=0
008993816| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.237| 002| SdlSig    |
StationOutputSetLamp                  | restart0                      |
StationD(2,100,40,14771)        | StationCdpc(2,100,41,33678)     |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 11, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]StimulusName=Line Mode=LampOn Instance=1
008993817| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.237| 002| SdlSig    |
DSetCallPhase                         | restart0                      |
StationD(2,100,40,14771)        | StationCdpc(2,100,41,33678)     |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 10, LP:
008993818| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.238| 002| SdlSig    |
StationOutputCallState                | restart0                      |
StationD(2,100,40,14771)        | StationCdpc(2,100,41,33678)     |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 10, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]State=13 privacy=1 Line=1 CI=34241426 P-level=4
008993819| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.238| 002| SdlSig    |
StationOutputSelectSoftKeys           | restart0                      |
StationD(2,100,40,14771)        | StationCdpc(2,100,41,33678)     |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 9, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]Line=1 CI=34241426 SKIndex=10 Mask=2
008993820| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.238| 002| SdlSig    |
StationOutputDisplayPromptStatus      | restart0                      |
StationD(2,100,40,14771)        | StationCdpc(2,100,41,33678)     |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 8, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]TimeOut=0 Status=� UnicodeStatus= Line=1
008993821| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.238| 002| SdlSig    |
DSetCallState                         | restart0                      |
StationD(2,100,40,14771)        | StationCdpc(2,100,41,33678)     |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 7, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]CallState = active10
008993822| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.238| 002| SdlSig    |
CcUserInfoReq                         | call_delivered4               |
H225Cdpc(2,100,154,7308)        | H225D(2,100,153,22)             |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 6, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]CI=34241425 CI.branch=0  isDtmf=F isTone=F tone=0
duration=0 PortToPort=2 isFeat=F isMTPPassThru2833=F featType=0 TTLFlag=F
008993823| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.238| 002| SdlSig    |
SsDataInd                             | awaitingCallResponse          |
Forwarding(2,100,157,5262)      | ForwardManager(2,100,158,1)     |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 5, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]SsType=33554436 SsKey=0 SsNode=2 SsParty=34241426
DevId=(0,0,0) BCC=5 OtherParty=34241425 NodeOtherParty=2 clearType = 0
CSS=13a125a6-2786-d25b-6756-c92ff16c560a CNumInfo = 0 CNameInfo = 0
ssDevType=4 ssOtherDevType=7 FDataType=0opId=0ssType=0invokeId=0resultExp=F
ssCause = 0 ssUserState = 2 ssOtherUserState = 2 PL=5 PLDmn=0 networkDomain=
delayAPTimer=F geolocInfo={geolocPkid=, filterPkid=, geolocVal=, devType=4}
cfwdTimerAction=0 matchInterceptPartition= matchInterceptPattern=
008993824| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.238| 002| SdlSig    |
AuConnectRequest                      | wait                          |
ConnectionManager(2,100,169,1)  | MatrixControl(2,100,109,13374)  |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 5, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]Party1: CI=34241425 capCount=0 region=Chicago525
xferMode=7 mrid=0 audioId=0 videoCap=F dataCap=0 activeCap=0
cryptoCapCount=0 flushIns=0 Party2: CI=34241426 capCount=9 region=NYC505
xferMode=4 mrid=0 audioId=0 videoCap=F dataCap=2 activeCap=0
cryptoCapCount=0 flushIns=0 reConnType=0 videoCall=F mmCallType=0
mtpChanged=F linkLoss=1 resCap=0 party1.mMediaCoordinatorNodeId=0
008993825| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.238| 002| SdlSig    |
RSVPUnregisterReq                     | wait                          |
RSVPSession(2,100,78,15407)     | RSVPSessionMgr(2,100,76,1)      |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 5, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]CI= 34241426  ClearType=0
008993826| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.239| 002| SdlSig    |
StationOutputSetRinger                | restart0                      |
StationD(2,100,40,14765)        | StationD(2,100,40,14765)        |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 4, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]Mode=RingOff Duration=Normal Line=1 CI=34241426
008993827| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.239| 002| SdlSig    |
RSVPUnregisterReq                     | wait                          |
RSVPSession(2,100,78,15407)     | RSVPSessionMgr(2,100,76,1)      |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 3, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]CI= 34241426  ClearType=0
008993828| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.239| 002| SdlSig    |
StationOutputSetRinger                | restart0                      |
StationD(2,100,40,14771)        | StationD(2,100,40,14771)        |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 2, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]Mode=RingOff Duration=Normal Line=1 CI=34241426
008993829| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.239| 002| SdlSig    |
SsUnregisterRelRejInterceptReq        | wait                          |
Cc(2,100,175,1)                 | Forwarding(2,100,157,5262)      |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 1, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]SsType=33554436 SsKey=0 SsNode=2 SsParty=34241425
008993830| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.239| 002| SdlSig    |
AuConnectRequest                      | waitForAll                    |
MediaCoordinator(2,100,108,1)   | ConnectionManager(2,100,169,1)  |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 1, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]Party1: CI=34241425 capCount=0 region=Chicago525
xferMode=7 mrid=0 audioId=0 videoCap=F dataCap=0 activeCap=0
cryptoCapCount=0 flushIns=0 Party2: CI=34241426 capCount=9 region=NYC505
xferMode=4 mrid=0 audioId=0 videoCap=F dataCap=2 activeCap=0
cryptoCapCount=0 flushIns=0 reConnType=0 videoCall=F mmCallType=0
mtpChanged=F linkLoss=1 resCap=0 party1.mMediaCoordinatorNodeId=0
008993831| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.239| 002| Created
|                                       |                               |
MediaManager(2,100,107,17161)   | MediaCoordinator(2,100,108,1)
|                                         | NumOfCurrentInstances: 1
008993832| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.239| 002| SdlSig    |
SsUnregisterRelRejInterceptReq        | tcc_await7                    |
Cdcc(2,100,174,15407)           | Cc(2,100,175,1)                 |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 1, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]SsType=33554436 SsKey=0 SsNode=2 SsParty=34241425
008993833| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.239| 002| SdlSig    |
AuConnectRequest                      | waitConnectRequest            |
MediaManager(2,100,107,17161)   | MediaCoordinator(2,100,108,1)   |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 0, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]Party1: CI=34241425 capCount=0 region=Chicago525
xferMode=7 mrid=0 audioId=0 videoCap=F dataCap=0 activeCap=0
cryptoCapCount=0 flushIns=0 Party2: CI=34241426 capCount=9 region=NYC505
xferMode=4 mrid=0 audioId=0 videoCap=F dataCap=2 activeCap=0
cryptoCapCount=0 flushIns=0 reConnType=0 videoCall=F mmCallType=0
mtpChanged=F linkLoss=1 resCap=0 party1.mMediaCoordinatorNodeId=0
008993834| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.240| 002| Created
|                                       |                               |
MediaExchange(2,100,112,17071)  | MediaManager(2,100,107,17161)
|                                         | NumOfCurrentInstances: 1
008993835| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.240| 002| SdlSig    |
AuConnectRequest                      | waitAuConnectRequest          |
MediaExchange(2,100,112,17071)  | MediaManager(2,100,107,17161)   |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 0, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]Party1: CI=34241425 capCount=0 region=Chicago525
xferMode=7 mrid=0 audioId=0 videoCap=F dataCap=0 activeCap=0
cryptoCapCount=0 flushIns=0 Party2: CI=34241426 capCount=9 region=NYC505
xferMode=4 mrid=0 audioId=0 videoCap=F dataCap=2 activeCap=0
cryptoCapCount=0 flushIns=0 reConnType=0 videoCall=F mmCallType=0
mtpChanged=F linkLoss=1 resCap=0 party1.mMediaCoordinatorNodeId=0
008993836| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.241| 002| Created
|                                       |                               |
AgenaInterface(2,100,187,12374) | MediaExchange(2,100,112,17071)
|                                         | NumOfCurrentInstances: 1
008993837| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.241| 002| SdlSig    |
CreateH245Interface                   | call_delivered4               |
H225Cdpc(2,100,154,7308)        | MediaExchange(2,100,112,17071)  |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [R:NP - HP: 0, NP: 2, LP:
0, VLP: 0, LZP: 0 DBP: 0]parentPid=2.112.17071 H245IpAddress=0 H245IpPort=0
DevicePid=2.9a.1c8c videoRegionKbps=180 audioRegionKbps=8 network_flag=7
multicastFlag=F silenceSuppressionFlag=F mediaReq=0 FS=0 zeroCapCountFlag=T
partySide=A Peer Transfer Mode= ActiveCapsMode =2 Peer ActiveCap Mode=0 My
DTMF support=1Peer DTMF support=3Peer DTMF Config=1 mmCallType=0 aPT=0 vPT=2
e2eAR=0 e2eVR=0 capE2E=F allow2833=F farEndXferMode=0
farEndMediaRequirements=0 hasRSVP=FallowOneWay=Fmy connType=3peer connType=3
noVideoResv=F farEndSupportT38=FIpAddrModeInfo=000
993857| 2010/01/24 18:25:38.243| 002| SdlSig    |
SNFNotifyInd                          | initialized                   |
SubscriptionManager(2,100,37,1) | LineControl(2,100,139,1457)     |
(2,100,39,1).3887861-(SEP00235E17D163:| [NP - PQ: 0]
SNFSubscriptionId = 2|0|5261, SNFNotifyMsg: state = 0, reason = 0,
retryAfter = -1, subscriptionType =  REGISTRATION  PRESENCE , content =
SNFLegacyContent with content data set to: available, cepn =
da1bbb26-17c5-111e-5bcd-eaa2fc430845, mSubscribeePid = (2,139,1457)

I am really at a loss here, we have full connectivity (IP)...

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