[cisco-voip] Different CallManager 7.1(5) versions

lelio at uoguelph.ca lelio at uoguelph.ca
Sun Jul 11 00:49:13 EDT 2010

Gossamer to the rescue.…


Don't look at me, my iPod maid that spilling mistake.

On 2010-07-11, at 12:10 AM, "Jason Aarons (US)" <jason.aarons at us.didata.com 
 > wrote:

> Under Downloads on cisco.com for CallManager 7.1(5a)  what is the  
> difference between restricted and unrestricted file options…? I assu 
> me the unrestricted can be installed in North Korea or something? Ha 
> s to do with Export restrictions and crypto?
> UCSInstall_UCOS_7.1.5.20000-6.sgn.iso_part1of2
> Versus
> UCSInstall_UCOS_UNRST_7.1.5.20000-6.sgn.iso_part1
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