[cisco-voip] Can't Find File Error -- I'm At A Loss

Jim Reed jreed at swiftnews.com
Fri May 14 17:14:18 EDT 2010

Okay, I'll PAY someone if they can figure out what's going on here.  I just created a new script completely from scratch.  Created a new document and uploaded it via Document Management.  I have another script that's been around for a while that is a virtual duplicate of the one I just created.  The old one executes just fine.  The new one gives me the same document not found error.  As I watch the variables in the script, the one that works show the following when it comes to the Get XML Document Data step (which is basically the contents of the file):
dateList    Document    TEXT[<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\r\n<!-- NO LEADING ZEROES IN DATE NUMBERS !!!! --><Holidays>\r\n       <Holiday1>1/1/2009</Holiday1>\r\n       <Holiday2>5/25/2009</Holiday2>\r\n       <Holiday3>7/4/2009</Holiday3>\r\n       <Holiday4>9/1/2008</Holiday4>\r\n       <Holiday5>11/27/2008</Holiday5>\r\n       <Holiday6>12/25/2008</Holiday6>\r\n</Holidays>]

The one that isn't working shows the following:
dateList    Document    ßcom.cisco.wf.steps.io.XMLDocumentßcom.cisco.wf.steps.io.XMLDocument at 0ß

Is there some way to "refresh" that documents folder as one does scripts so it realizes that the new files are there?  Or perhaps that isn't the issue.  I can put the name of the file from the script that works in as the name of the XML document in the new script and it works just fine.  There seems to be an issue with finding any new documents that are added.

Thank You...
Jim Reed
Manager of Technical Services
Swift Communications, Inc.
970-384-9141 (Direct)
775-772-7666 (Cell)

On 5/13/10 1:58 PM, "Jim Reed" <jreed at swiftnews.com> wrote:

I've worked on this simple script for hours and cannot for the life of me
figure out why it keeps telling me it can't find the file specified.
Following are three lines of a simple check holiday script.  It errors on
the third line.  However, I can change the name of the file on line 1 to
another file in that same XML documents folder and the script executes
without error.

datelist = Create File Document ("SNMGdates.xml")
dateList = Create XML Document (dateList)
date_null = Get XML Document Data

I'm also getting the following error message while in debugging but I get
the same message when I change the file name and it still executes without
CRS Engine on: is not the Master.  Cannot debug
\default\SNMGholidaydoc.aef on this Engine

The SNMGdates.xml file is a duplicate of SFSdates.xml and was uploaded
through document management but SFSdates works just fine and SNMGdates

What am I missing...
Jim Reed
Manager of Technical Services
Swift Communications, Inc.
970-384-9141 (Direct)
775-772-7666 (Cell)

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